Roland Pletts Christian writings

Other Books by Roland Pletts

War for the World

by Roland Pletts

War for the World is a companion book to the Covenant of Glory.

This book is also published under the title "THE KINGDOMS OF THE LORD" but is a larger print. This is an explanation of the Book of Revelation together with the Book of Daniel and other Old Testament scriptures. It tells of the spiritual conflict during the last 2000 years and how it is being fulfilled at this time in history. Gives Biblical explanation of the prophetic symbols from a Jewish perspective and the amazing fulfilment through history and the significance of current world events.

This War for the World book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher:

Crown of Thorns

by Roland Pletts

Crown of Thorns is a presentation of the last week of our Lord's earthly life.

This is a reconstruction from the scriptures of the last week of the earthly life of Jesus Christ from his entry into Jerusalem to his Resurrection. It faithfully follows the Gospel accounts and gives details often overlooked. It explains the things that happened and fills in backgound events. It records the people and their words during these significant days of the week that changed the world. The author was active in Christian ministry for four decades.

This Crown of Thorns book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher:

The Lord Reigns

by Roland Pletts

The Lord Reigns is an easy to read account of 40 years of mission and Christian work in Africa.

A record of mission and Christian work in Africa during four decades of upheavals, war, genocide, murders and miracles. The true accounts of how the Holy Spirit moved in power to heal, deliver and bring to salvation many people.

This The Lord Reigns book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher:

The Coming Conflict in Jerusalem

by Roland Pletts

This book considers the return of Jesus to establish His Kingdom. It explains the Biblical prophecies when the Lord will reveal Himself to all who love Him. It tells of the coming three and one half years foretold in Revelation and the coming time of Glory when the "Living Temple of Believers" will be cleansed and empowered for the greatest Acts of God ever seen. It tells of the coming visitation of Messiah to the Jewish people and the great revelation of Jesus to the nations of the world.

This The Coming Conflict in Jerusalem book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher:

The Miracle of Israel

by Roland Pletts

The Everlating Covenant - Israel and the Church. The Covenant God made with Israel and its fulfilment and importance to Christians and the world.

This Coming Desolation and Consolation book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher:

When Messiah Comes

by Roland Pletts

A Biblical study of end time prophecy about the return of Messiah in context to Israel, the church and the whole world. Considers the different interpretations that are held about the seven year "tribulation and the time of his return. Shows that there is not seven years left but only 3 1/2 years and that this will be a time of amazing revival worldwide with many miracles taking place. Shows what will happen in Israel and M.E.and throughout the world. Shows how the Lord will appear to all who believe in him and also reveal himself to people worldwide.

This When Messiah Comes book by Roland Pletts can be downloaded in PDF format here, or ordered in paperback format through this publisher: