Newsletter #19 God's Calendar
Sons To Glory Newsletter #19
Tabernacles - September 28, 2013


The Enoch, Moses, Zadok Calendar

by Paul Jablonowski

September 28, 2013

Different calendars have abounded throughout the millenniums, but does God have a calendar?

We have been honoring the LORD's New Month celebrations since Pentecost of this year. But by now, at the feast of Tabernacles, it has become apparent that there are many calendars, both secular and Jewish, that claim to be the authority on what day to celebrate the Biblical "new month." While I believe that God uses many calendars, it seems the Enoch/Moses/Zadok calendar is the one used throughout Scripture.

The Scriptures must be our source, and the foundation for God's way of keeping time is found in the first chapter of Genesis verse 14 which says:

"God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.""

This word "seasons" in Hebrew is "moedim" which is more than just spring/summer/autumn/winter. This word means "appointed times" and is also interpreted in the Scriptures as "feasts" because it is an appointed time to meet (feast) with God. They are not the Jewish or Christian feasts, they are the LORD's feasts! In Leviticus 23:2 Yahweh calls them "My feasts." These feasts include the new months, and are appointed seasons (times). Our heavenly Father desires to meet with us in intimacy like a friend or like a bridegroom. He DOES appoint times for us to come and be with Him, and we can either ignore them or ask Him what to do.

We can follow the Biblical patterns to know when God is waiting to meet with us. Like any "appointment" on a calendar, we want to be on time, in the right places and at the right dates when God is waiting to show us things about His kingdom on earth. These patterns are extremely regular, and while we can debate the interpretation of what to do on them, the new months as used by Enoch, Moses and Zadok can be determined from the dead sea scrolls which were discovered in 1948.(1)

The modern Jewish/Hebrew calendar currently sets their months based on calculations from Rabbi Hillel who lived around 350 AD. The problem is that they are calculated based on the "new moon." In other words, their months start when the moon starts a new cylce of light. But the Biblical New Month, as used by Enoch/Moses/Zadok, is determined by the sun and not the moon. This is how the patriarchs always calculated a "new month." The "new moon" came out of Babylon and not from Scripture.

The Hebrew words in the Scripture for "new" and "moon" are NEVER together, therefore, "new moon" is not Scriptural. Yareach (yod, resh, chet) is the Hebrew word for "moon." And Chodesh (chet, shin dalet) is the Hebrew word often interpreted as "new moon" but it simply means "new" or "renewing." Only when this word Chodesh is associated with the feasts is it sadly misinterpreted as "new moon," but moon is not in the word at all.

The "Enoch/Moses/Zadok Calendar Year" chart here shows the basics of the Calendar created most likely by Enoch, used by Moses and found in the dead sea scrolls. It is now known more widely as the "Zadok calendar" because the high priest Zadok used it too. As you can see, the calendar has 4 seasons based around the sun with 13 weeks per season that includes an extra day at the end of each season to make 364 total days per year. There may be up to an extra week before the first day of each year, because it ALWAYS falls on the first Wednesday after the Spring Equinox.(2) Therefore there may be a few extra days between the last day of winter and the first day of the new year, but it will always be less than a week.

This calendar has the same days of the month ALWAYS falling on the same day of the week every year, so there is great consistency with God's feast days always falling on the same day of the week every year. This allows ALL of the feast days (or high sabbaths such as Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles) to have their own celebration day outside of the regular weekly Sabbath day. This is not the case with the Jewish Hillel calendar, because it is constantly changing the days of the week every year such that many of the High Sabbaths fall on regular weekly Sabbaths too. The second chart below shows the months and dates of this Enoch/Moses/Zadok Calendar which are the same EVERY year.

The days marked in Blue are the regular weekly sabbaths, as well as the "High Sabbaths" on Feast days where the Torah says to rest. The Green days mark Passover and Tabernacle feast days that are not high sabbaths. There are many other exact dates in Scripture not shown here, but these are the main ones. Here is another calendar that shows all of the exact dates given in Scripture on the Zadok calendar.

I believe this Zadok calendar is the one used throughout Scripture when it mentions exact days and dates.(3) In our new month celebrations here in Harvest Alabama, we are being led by the Spirit to honor the Father for His new month celebrations. He desires to meet with us at the new month as an example of "new beginnings" and it is all about relationship with Him!

(2) This website gives more details on how this calendar works:

(3) A Zadok calendar overlapped on our common Gregorian calendar can be purchased here:

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